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Code of Conduct Statement

Take Our Pledge for 2025!

Help us create a safe and positive environment for participants, parents, guardians, coaches and referees. When you register with us in 2024, you will sign the following agreement. Just think of the difference we can make TOGETHER. 

Mudsock Youth Athletics - Code of Conduct Statement

Mudsock Youth Athletics expects all participants, coaches, parents/guardians, and spectators to exhibit behavior that demonstrates the highest level of fair play and good sportsmanship at all practices, games, and other official functions. All participants, coaches, parents/guardians, and spectators’ actions should align with the Mudsock Youth Athletics mission which is to promote character development, leadership, and physical fitness. Therefore, practices and games should focus on the teaching of fundamental values as respect, fairness, civility, honesty, and responsibility. It is the responsibility of the adults associated with the participants to teach these values through their own display or through lessons taught by athletics participation. Accordingly, Mudsock Youth Athletics will take strong action in response to any form of misconduct by participants, coaches, parents/guardians, and/or spectators during the entire season that directly violates or indirectly affects the advancement of the appropriate behavior. This includes but is not limited to physical or verbal abuse of a participant, coach, parent/guardian and/or spectator, inappropriate language, criticism of officials, actions that are considered criminal under the laws of the State of Indiana or local jurisdiction or other situations as determined by Mudsock Youth Athletics or its member leagues.

How Can I Be a Good Sport Participant?
1. Play with a positive attitude, pay attention, and give your best effort
2. Have Fun
3. Support your teammates, use positive language, and do not blame or criticize
4. Listen to your coach and be accountable
5. Respect officials/umpires and opposing team

How Can I Be a Good Coach and Ambassador for the League?
1. Create a safe and healthy environment for participants to play
2. Teach and demonstrate positive attitude, respectful behavior, fairness, and good sportsmanship
3. Build up your team’s confidence and allow participants to make mistakes
4. Use appropriate language
5. Respect officials/umpires and opposing coaches

How Can I Be a Good Parent/Guardian/Spectator?
1. Celebrate each participant on the field and court
2. Have a positive attitude and good sportsmanship
3. Tell your participant, “I love to watch you play”
4. Use appropriate language
5.  Respect officials/umpires, other parents/guardians/spectators, and all coaches

In all instances, a violation of this code will be brought to the attention of the individual Mudsock Youth Athletics member league. Some instances may result in requiring the involvement of the Mudsock Youth Athletics board of directors or executive committee. The individual(s) found to have violated the code will have the opportunity to request to speak before the president or executive committee of the individual member league. In the case of a participant that is a minor, a parent/guardian may speak on their behalf. All decisions made by the Mudsock Youth Athletics organization are final and binding.

First Offense: Verbal warning that will be documented.
Second Offense: Suspension of individual and/or participant.
Third Offense: Removal of individual and/or participant.

Mudsock Youth Athletics and its member leagues reserve the right to forego the first or second offense penalties in instances of undesirable or egregious behavior. Additionally, member leagues may create their own code of conduct that supersedes the above penalties in some circumstances. Please ask your coach for a copy of the member league version if you have any questions.


*Please note that individual leagues may also have their own code of conduct statements each season. Thank you!

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